2 weekends ago I went back to the holy Land, New York City. Center of the Universe. (ok, slight RENT song popped in.)
Anyway, everytime I get into the City I get into my "I used to live here" mode. I frequent my usual spots I used to go to all the time, and I get so nostalgic of 17 H, Plaza East. I love walking around and spending time doing nothing! I spent time with my brother, and admired his digs and ridiculous artwork. Then off to Soho and the Village to visit friends. I was only there for a night, and had a party, but tried to do as many pop'in's as possible. I decided, if I lived there now I would live on 10th and 4th (West Village) and never again go to the meatpacking to go out. It was cool when I was 22. Not so much now.
Man do I miss living there :-(.

You need to move back...right at the exact same time as Mike and me!!! You can even live with us until you find a place :)
Hi Emily! Long time no see, hope all is well! I am so glad that I found your blog - sooo funny! This will definitely make me 30 percent less productive at work but worth it. :) Hope to see you soon.