2 BFF's from College Get Married......
This weekend was Randi Sue Levine's, and Jill Simon's wedding weekend. I couldn't be in two places at once....Rhode Island, and Long Island. I was in NY

Jill Simon and Scotty got married this weekend. Although I couldn't be in 2 places at one time, I wish I could have. She is my pooh and a peice of me was missing not being there. She is a true princess and Scott is a prince. I have watched their relationship from the first date, and I am so happy they are bound together now! It was Jill's B-day at midnight too!
How special!!!!!

Jilly Loves Her Cake!

Gorgeous Bride and Groom

Now, previous to having to be in NY ready for a wedding, I decided to surprise my long time friend from when I used to work in NY, Melissa. Her hubby and I coordinated for months and she was sooo shocked. I spent the day with her Friday and it was soo amazing to spend time with her, and her family.

Onto Friday Night:
Rehearsal dinner at Muttowntown Country Club on Long Island. There were about 50 speeches, and I went in thinking mine was going to be a hit, hardly anyone laughed except Marsha and I who did the speech together. It was so much funnier in my head I guess.
Randi and Alex
Happy Harry's

The Girls w/The Couple

Saturday I hung around with Melissa and then headed over to the Marriot in Melville to start getting ready. All the bridesmaids met Randi at the Temple and started pix, etc. The Chuppah was amazing, and so was the room. All white with purple and blue lighting, very summer hamptons! The cocktail hour was so extravagant I don't even know how I could explain it other than wanting to pull the trigger because there was so much food and drinks. The ballroom itself was insanely gorgeous with a ridiculous plethera of flowers, it was a magical wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Brook

Amazing Chuppah!

I look like a deer in headlights...

Justine and Craig...married next!!

Me and Kat

Prego mamaaaaaa

Congrats Randi and Alex Brook.......love love love.
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