...at camp. These past 10 days I was up at Neuman College working at the most fabul ous, wonderful, amazing camp. It was the ISAA (International Student Athlete Academy) Fast Track Summer Camp. Fast Track is a 10 day overnight academic and athletic enrichment camp held between the months of July and August. Student athletes are housed at an area college and have access to the college’s facilities. The program is designed to prepare students for the college experience by living the college experience firsthand. I worked in a classroom teaching Life Skills, where we talked about everything open and honestly, and I really had a chance to bond with these amazing athletes. After class each day, I was there for support..whether it was practicing with the football players, basketball players, or just being around. What I will say is this...some of these kids are on their way to playing in college, going pro, going overseas, and fulfilling their dreams of being student athletes. Throughout the year, there are lots of events sponsored by ISAA, including basketball showcases, AAU Teams, SAT programs, and academic enrichment. If you are at all interested in this program, you should email isaainc@gmail.com. It was an amazing experience that recharged my battery. It was exactly what I needed. It's amazing how high school kids can change lives.
P.S. CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK! type in search : isaa athleteinc
Huddle to Pump Them Up Weight Training Session

My attempt at Flag Football
And this is what happens on the last night of CAMP!

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