Here's some things I've been ruminating about...
Why do people feel the need to update their facebook status' on the regular. No one cares if you have 4 hours until work is over, or you are at the beach, or you had a great workout, or those insinuating messages meant for that "someone" to read about another "someone." I mean, I really really don't get it. Go on twitter if you need to update the world on what you are doing that is really inconsequential.
I think Scrabble is the most under-rated game ever. I mean, it expands your vocab, makes your brain actually think, and is a great evening activity. Aside from the fact I go to bed dreaming about words...
I recently lost my mail key. When I was thinking about it out loud, my mom asked me "where did you last have it." Well, If I knew, wouldn't I not have lost it???
Why doesn't anyone in real life act like Ari Gold?
Retail therapy really cures all problems.
I remember now why I hate chunks of lettuce...fact is, once you've had a chopped salad- you can never go back. Those big peices of lettuce are so much work. Once you go chopped you never go ....whatever.
Why is it that Philadelphia has 5 main take out delivery restaurants, Marathon, Wok, Pietro's, Little Pete's, and Erawan. I think a few more would be great.
It is the weirdest thing ever when you're at a doctor and you have to give a pee sample, so you are given the cup in the waiting room, go pee, bring the cup back to the nurse while everyone in the waiting room looks at your cup of hot yellow pee. There's gotta be a better system.
Why when you go to the hospital to have blood work and register, they sit and talk to you about how cute the doctors are .... who cares. I'm just trying to get a needle and get out.
If you have to email me about not calling you back, there's a reason.
I can decorate any cake just as well as the cake decorators in acme. Even if I had a misspell.
(see pic)

And finally, why is it when a new friend joins facebook it is like the freakin pope just peeped for a viewing???
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