Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm all in my head...

Some More Thoughts...

Why am I still up?

Why does it feel so good when someone else scratches your back, or washes your hair..but when you try its so uncomfortable, more like a chore?

Isn't it weird that you sit and somehow get, your but is in a seat in a car but you are driving?  

What did people do before microwaves?

If you are sitting next to me on a plane or train, cough and don't cover your mouth, expect me to say something.

It's not okay to stop in the middle of chestnut street to unload your clothes at buffalo exchange in the middle of rush hour traffic.

How do doormen remember everyone in the building's names? And or the postman (maybe that's my building only??)

Ever notice that Samantha on Sex and the City always takes bites of food but you NEVER see her swallow.  Hellloooooooooo Anorexia.

So you pay $250/plate per guest at a wedding, on average you get $100 in a gift.  Can't we just call it even and have a BYOD. Bring your own dinner?

Who ever thought that BYOB's attract legal kids, you're wrong.  It's the only place they can go drink and not get carded.

All seasons of Real Housewives are genius.  They Never get old.  Especially Danielle (aka Beverly).

Ever read the section- missed connections.  If not, have a great night staying home.  They are hysterical.

Having a harley parked outside Starbucks while you are the barrista does not impress me.

I could sleep all day long as long as I'm with Tempurpedic.

That's it.  Goodnight.

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