Saturday, December 26, 2009

I went Down Again...

I came down South for a visit alright! It was Liam's first birthday (and Jesus' too). We celebrated with a Monkey Birthday party last weekend, and a yummy xmas dinner on Fri night. Liam has lots of antics. Like he puts his hand up like the statue of liberty. He gives high 5's. He shakes his butt and dances. He shares his goldfish and feeds them to you. He's pretty much the coolest kid on earth. It was Sam and Brian's birthdays too, all the Batt Boys in Dec. Lots of fun festivities.

Settin up for the Partayy
Birthday Boy Entrance

Um HELLLLLLOOO coolest Auntie EM

He got a car!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why Don't You Come on Over?

Even though she's a crackhead...she has an amaaazing acapella voice. And she was my Halloween costume 2008. And she has a beehive!