Saturday, May 30, 2009

I can't believe I'm doing this...

that's what she said.I am in North Carolina, also known as NoCo with my brother anFont sized sister-in-law and most importantly, LIAM...the cutest baby (and my nephew).   As we were all laying in bed together Rubina convinced me to start a blog (yes I'm blaming it on her).  I kind of like the here goes...They have the most unbelievable house and I kind of want to move here. (but then I'd be living on a block with married people and tons of kids, and just me, so that would suck)  I got in Friday and we ordered in, and watched Glee ( the most amazing show ever!) followed by Paul Blart, mall cop.  I can't even discuss it because the title hurts my ears.  Stupidest dumbest thing ever.  Liam came in early in the AM to hang with me while Mommy went to the gym, and Daddy slept.  We played the infant version of Baby in the Air.  Saturday we went to Flying Biscuit for brunch, and then to the Pool/Country Club in their development that looked like it should be in the movie Stepford Wives.  Liam is now laughing and giggly and moving and rolling around and has the cutest personality ever.  He especially likes it when you sing to him, and I obviously have a beautiful voice he loves.  It sucks to live so far away :-(  Here are some pix, more to come...

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's not long enough...

  So, let's discuss Extend by Em.  Extend by Em is known for their quality 100% human hair clip-in extensions, available in all colors and lengths.  They are easily curled, straightened, and work great with all types of hair.  The extensions are perfect for the Gal who wants longer, thicker, voluptous hair.  The extensions clip in and give the effect of gorgeous locks of love!  Extend By Em was developed by me, Emily, due to overdone and mistreated hair.  In 2006, I had Great Length extensions.  They are the best quality human hair, bonded to 1/4" sections in my hair.  There were approximately 300 pieces of hair in my head.   They were absolutely amazing, except for the major factor : I had serious hair loss.  My hair would fall out in what looked like normal amounts (showering, brushing) but when I had my final set of extensions taken out 1 year later, I was on the verge of a Britney Spears.  So, I tried the Jessica Simpson peices, and figured out the best way to have the long lucious locks, I had to make my own measured specifically to my head and color...And that's how Extend By Em was born.  The website is almost up and running, so check it out.