Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can't have 2 in 1...

2 BFF's from College Get Married......

This weekend was Randi Sue Levine's, and Jill Simon's wedding weekend.   I couldn't be in two places at once....Rhode Island, and Long Island.  I was in NYFont size....

Jill Simon and Scotty got married this weekend.  Although I couldn't be in 2 places at one time, I wish I could have.  She is my pooh and a peice of me was missing not being there.  She is a true princess and Scott is a prince.  I have watched their relationship from the first date, and I am so happy they are bound together now!  It was Jill's B-day at midnight too!
How special!!!!!
Jilly Loves Her Cake!
Gorgeous Bride and Groom

 Now, previous to having to be in NY ready for a wedding, I decided to surprise my long time friend from when I used to work in NY, Melissa.  Her hubby and I coordinated for months and she was sooo shocked. I spent the day with her Friday and it was soo amazing to spend time with her, and her family.  

Onto Friday Night:
Rehearsal dinner at Muttowntown Country Club on Long Island.  There were about 50 speeches, and I went in thinking mine was going to be a hit, hardly anyone laughed except Marsha and I who did the speech together.  It was so much funnier in my head I guess.

Randi and Alex
Happy Harry's
The Girls w/The Couple
  Saturday I hung around with Melissa and then headed over to the Marriot in Melville to start getting ready.  All the bridesmaids met Randi at the Temple and started pix, etc.  The Chuppah was amazing, and so was the room.  All white with purple and blue lighting, very summer hamptons!  The cocktail hour was so extravagant I don't even know how I could explain it other than wanting to pull the trigger because there was so much food and drinks.  The ballroom itself was insanely gorgeous with a ridiculous plethera of flowers, it was a magical wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Brook
Amazing Chuppah!

I look like a deer in headlights...
Justine and Craig...married next!!
Me and Kat 

Prego mamaaaaaa

Congrats Randi and Alex love love.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hop Up Out My Bed....

this is one of my most special students.....1st grade....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

This is Why I'm Hot...

Celebrity Photo Shoot...check it out.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I ... You

This is the best story ever, true story, person remains anonymous--however is very close in my life. Oh Young Love.....

want to hear a crazy story?
so the guy wh fully broke my heart
in dec
who ive spent the last like 7 months getting over
and I was all gonna die and went back to therapy and blah blah
he has an ex
and they were very much in love
and broke up about a year before we started dating
so like 2 1/2 years ago, if you will
anyway she was all devastated about it
and crushed, like me
and moves to africa
to help orphans
and starts a blog
so he tells me this, when were together
and im all I dont care I love you shut up about the ex
cut to him leaving me
and suddenly it seems more pertinent
so I stalk him, find her, and start reading her blog
this is like in jan
and I find
that I am developing this profound love for this girl. like PROFOUND
so my therapist tells me
you gotta email her
and I'm all
but she says, no, there might be something there for you
that you can't get on your own
I email her
in like march
and I say I know this is crazy and blah blah but we both used to care about the same person
and I wanted to tell you you've helped me
and it's crazy
but maybe life is about this kind of serendipity
she writes me back
and says I can't explain to you what this means to ME that you've found me
and like it's my goal in life to help people
and this is a gift, blah blah
so now we email
like a lot
and we totally love each other
and we can't tell anyone, right? or like be friends on fb
cause everyone would be all WHAT THE HELL
but she's coming back from africa in august and I am like BEYOND excited to meet her

the moral is: do the things you think are insane
if you feel it in your heart
she helped me
because heartbreak is so lonely and you think youre the only one who has ever been there
but she was actually there....with the same person
I tell her that all the time
how kind she is
but honestly
I think she got something out of it too
it helped her too
life goes on
so does love

Tweet Me

Ok, so normally I would be anti and think you were a loser. However, I am obsessed with....TWITTER. I can't get enough updates of what people are doing every 5 seconds, like Kim Kardashian eating lunch, or Jeremy Piven wanting to invent masks for BBQ's, or Justin Timberlake hitting with his new 5 iron. Who cares about real people, I am following these celebs like a fly on a dead fish. Not only do I love reading updates, but the Twitter languege is amaaazing...... I love that your "friends" on twitter, are called "followers", and when you post and update your status, you are really "tweeting". And, if you read some past posts, you are reading "tweets." And if you reply to a message from somebody, you are "retweeting". You can also "unfollow" a "tweeter", or in english, stop following them. I mean how much better is this lingo right. Follow me on twitter.

Here are my fav's I am following:
Kim Kardashian
Rachel Zoe
Ellen Degeneres
Justin Timberlake
Rachel Goodman
Benny Liss
Jen Segal
Marla Brown

Gimme a little more

This past weekend was a very relaxing, fruitful July 4th at the shore. In past years, I raged till the sun came up, then could not function the next day, layed in the sun until my skin turned purple, and took 2 hours to get ready to go out. Now, I go out to dinner, am asleep by 1, wake up at 10, sit outside with 30SPF for about 2 hours, and can be ready in under 1 hour. I now REFUSE to sit in the sun, even if 26 years have passed sans sun screen. Thursday night a few of us went to dinner at Tomatoes, a delicious restaurant that is the place to be if you are 32-62 and single. Also if you are a cougar. Friday was beautiful but dare I touch the sand, I sat on a deck. Friday night was a BBQ for close friend, in which instead of drinking, I became the "runner" for the alcohol- which was fine. My good friend stepped on my foot (the one I had surgery on) but it still is kinda numb so I didn't even feel it. She was horrified. Saturday again, on a deck, followed by the Annual July 4th party at my friend's house. This year, my mom came and was drunker than I was. How's that for cool. It was a really fun party and the weather was perfect (aside from the 12 bug bites...seriously- 12). Sunday was relaxing and now I'm back in PA. Not enough time, on summer holidays it should be Fri - Tues. OFF.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monkey With a Donkey

This is the key to a happy young man. - given to me by my special, special, dog of a friend....

The Franchise. 
Girl 1 - number -head honcho
Girl 2- could be 1, but doesn't have the it factor. has all qualities of #1
Girl 3- girl that has boyfriend or girlfriend and understands there is no moving up. friend w benefits if relationships get serious, bets are off.  always be your friend.
Girl 4- down and dirty- take her out every now and then. she could be #3 you just don't know. you want to show her off.
Girl 5- freak bitch paula, as biggie would say.  always available. strictly physical.  butter face. monkey w a donkey.
and then there are agents...  

I hope one day I have a son and can lead him in this direction.